“Halston” is a miniseries on Netflix about the rise and fall of the famous fashion designer Roy Halston Frowick. The series opens at the start of his career as a milliner at Bergdorf Goodman, where he designed the pillbox hat Jackie Kennedy wore at her husband’s presidential inauguration in 1961, and follows him as he progresses to create his own label and the trials and tribulations which arise. Spanning from the 1960s into the late 1980s, I worked as an assistant costume designer dressing the background from these three very different decades, from the Palace of Versailles to Studio 54.
Stills from the Miniseries
Fitting Photos
Scroll through a selection of behind-the-scenes fitting photos of characters from the miniseries whom I dressed.
Watch the Trailer
Stream Halston on Netflix. Starring Ewan McGreggor, Rebecca Dayan, David Pittu, Krysta Rodgriguez and others. Produced by Ryan Murphy, Alexis Woodall, Dan Minahan, Eric Kovtun, Christine Vachon, Pam Koffler, Sharr White, Lou Eyrich and more. See full Cast + Crew here.